Friday, March 27, 2009

This is not a home blog.

However, I do have a new home, and I'm planning a wedding, which means that lots of the time (not free time, of course-- I only do this when I should be working in some way), I find myself browsing around many many design/decor/inspiration blogs that are filled with photographs that I know I will never get around to replicating.

They are beautiful though, aren't they? My sister said that she's tired of "inspiration," and I understand the sentiment: let's just pick something and move on! But then again, that's how she and I are different-- I've never been good at making decisions. I need to look at examples first. And it's rare to have a blank canvas the way I do now, so for the moment I'm going to pretend I'm a real blogger, and pick a decor category and show you a bunch of fun pictures!!

Today's decor category (and there may only be one, ever): Plate collages!

I have a small collection of antique plates given to me by my grandmother and my great aunt. They are pretty, and fragile, and painted with really cool flowers. I'd always wanted to do something with them, and then I started noticing the trend of hanging them on the wall, but in really interesting and unexpected ways. Check it out:

From Apartment Therapy
**Bonus detail! I like this birdcage, although not the fake bird. But I have an amazing old birdcage of my own that actually housed parakeets during my childhood...what could be done with that? You tell me.

From Apartment Therapy

From Domino

Pretty, huh? Now, how in the world does one actually hang plates?!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Yes I did make this soup last night! And yes it did only take about 15 minutes from start to finish! And yes it did taste delicious!

Note: I actually didn't use the fava beans or artichokes-- didn't have the beans and didn't feel like steaming the artichoke, and it was still totally yummy. This is one of those recipes where you can use whatever is in season. I definitely recommend the mint though, it really brightens up the flavor!

Spring Vegetable Soup

Serves 4

  • 1 small bunch leeks
  • sliced prosciutto
  • extra-virgin olive oil
  • 6 cups chicken stock
  • 1 cup fresh fava beans
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cup asparagus
  • 8 small artichokes
  • sea salt and pepper
  • 2 tablespoons mint

Using a big, deep pot, sauté a handful of chopped leeks and several torn prosciutto slices in olive oil. After a few minutes, pour in 6 cups chicken stock and bring to a boil. Mix in 1 cup each peeled, blanched fava beans, chopped spinach, chard and asparagus, plus 8 cut-up steamed artichoke hearts (setting aside a dozen chunks for Tuesday's kebabs). Simmer soup for a few minutes, then sprinkle with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and top with a couple tablespoons chopped mint leaves. Serve with crusty bread and a hunk of English cheddar.

You're welcome!

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